1. Which of the following is true about the way the human eye perceives objects?
-All objects appear the same
-Far objects are hazy***
-Mid-range objects are hazy
-Near objects are hazy
2. Ashely is drawing a desert landscape with dirt road in the foreground and mountains extending from the foreground to the background. There is brush growing on the mountains in the background. Where should she draw dark details in order to create realistic perspective?
-The brush
-The mountains in the background
-The mountains in the foreground
-The sky***
3. When was linear perspective invented?
-Ancient Times
-The Middle Ages
The Modern Times
-The Renaissance***
4. Your teacher asks you to draw a city block in a two point perspective. how will you draw this?
-Show multiple streets vanishing into one point on the horizon
-Show one street of the block vanishing into the horizon ***
-Show two streets parallel streets that vanish at different points on the horizon
-Show two streets that intersect and vanish at different points on the horizon
5. To make landscapes appear realistically proportioned, where should an artist place the horizon line in any art work?
-At the eye level of people***
-At the shoulder level of people
-At the waist level of people
-At the foot level of people
Please check my answers.
11 answers
can anyone else help do you know?
I really need help and don't know...
1. yes
2. probably not, but check your text
3. yes
4. I don't know, check your text
5. I don't know, check your text