1. Which of the following is not the name of a Java wrapper class from the Java API?

A. Byte
B. Int
C. Long
D. Boolean*

2. Which of the following statements will cause a compiler error?

A. Integer i = new integer ( ) ;*
B. Integer j = new integer ("5") ;
C. Integer k = Integer.valueOf ("5");
D. int m = Integer.pareseInt ("5");

3. If variables j and k refer to objects of type Double and j . compareTo (k) returns a value of 1, which of the following is true?

A. The double value held in j is less than the value held inside k.
B. The difference between values held in j and k is 1.*
C. The double values held inside j and k are both positive.
D. The double value held inside j is greater than the value held inside k.

4. What is a radix as used in the method parseInt (String s, int radix) from the integer class?

A. A numeric base 2 such as for binary or 16 for hexadecimal.
B. The number of characters in the string that represent integers.*
C. The Unicode character code to be used when parsing the string.
D. The number of times the string should be repeated before being converted to an int.

5. Which of the following is a static method of the integer class?

A. intValue ( )
B. parseInt ( )
C. toString ( )*
D. compareTo ( )

6. Which of the following statements will cause a compiler error?

A. Double a = new Double (10.6) + 3;
B. Integer b = 0;*
C. Double c = 0;
D. int d = new Integer (7) ;

7. Which of the following is not an example of autoboxing?

A. Boolean a = false
B. Integer b = new integer (9);
C. double x = 3.0;
Double c = x;
D. Character d = ‘2’;*

8. What is the result of the following code fragment?

BigInteger a = new BigInteger (“10”);
BigInteger b = new BigInteger (“25”);
a . multiply (b);
a . add (b);
System.out.println (a);

A. 10
B. 35
C. 250 *
D. 275

9. What is the name of the BigInteger method that will calculate the remainder of division by another BigInteger?

A. modulo ( )
B. modulus ( )*
C. divisor ( )
D. remainder ( )

Note: * is my answer

I really need help

3 answers

May someone who knows Java Help me
and the * are my answers
dude if your asking answers for coding class you probably dont need to be in that class if your not willing to learn