1 Which of the following is NOT one of the three fundamental features of science?
a empirical questions
b public knowledge
c mathematical equations (My Answer)
d systematic empiricism
2 A set of beliefs can be said to be pseudoscientific if it lacks one or more of the three features of science and _____.
a its adherents claim or imply that it is scientific (My Answer)
b it has been discredited by scientific research
c it seems “crazy”
d it refers to phenomena that cannot be directly observed
3 Research questions in psychology can come from which of the following?
a previous research
b informal observations
c practical problems to be solved
d all of the above (My Answer)
4 Which of the following is a categorical variable?
a eye color
b IQ
c number of lifetime sexual partners (My Answer)
d shoe size
8 In a negative relationship, higher scores on one variable are associated with lower scores on another variable.
a True (My Answer)
b False
9 Pearson’s r cannot be negative.
a True
b False (My Answer)
11 In Milgram’s famous study, who was the confederate?
a the person being shocked (My Answer)
b the experimenter
c the person doing the shocking
d none of the above
12 Which of the following occurred in the infamous Tuskegee syphilis study?
a Research participants were told they had syphilis even though they did not to see how they would react. (My Answer)
b Research participants were denied treatment for their syphilis.
c Research participants were injected with syphilis bacteria.
d Research participants were give experimental treatments for syphilis.
17 For every _____ there are many plausible _____.
a fact; phenomena
b theory; researchers (My Answer)
c phenomenon; theories
d researcher; variables
20 A theory that explains a behavior primarily in terms of why it happens is which of the following?
a a mechanistic theory
b a typology
c a functional theory
d a hypothesis (My Answer)
22 What is the first thing that you should do in constructing a new theory?
a Create a set of mathematical equations that might account for the phenomena of interest. (My Answer)
b Understand the phenomena of interest in detail, along with any existing theories of them.
c Conduct at least four to six new empirical studies.
d Decide which type of theory you want to construct.
23 Measurement is best defined as which of the following?
a directly comparing one individual to a standard reference individual
b the assignment of scores to individuals so the scores represent some characteristic of the individuals (My Answer)
c the use of an established measuring instrument such as a ruler or scale to describe an individual
d an objective method of counting individuals
24. Which of the following is the best example of a construct?
a. depression
b. number of siblings
c. height (My Answer)
d. annual income
26. There is a single best conceptual definition of every psychological construct.
a. True
b. False (My Answer)
27. There is a single best way to measure every psychological construct.
a. True
b. False (My Answer)
28. Face validity is the extent to which a psychological measure appears to measure the construct of interest.
a. True (My Answer)
b. False