1.Which of the following is NOT one of the mantras prescribed the practitioner’s guide to nudging? (any one)
A. If you want people to do something, make it easy and fun
B. Always run between-participant experiments to ensure a test of causality
C. There can be no evidence based policy without evidence
D. Document your (experimental) results and share widely
2. Which of the following statements best describes the idea of a “consumption vocabulary.”(any one)
A. People who have a larger vocabulary consume more
B. Consumption of a vocabulary falls prey to the same decision principles as consumption in any other domain
C. Providing people with names for relevant attributes in a product category allows them to learn and articulate preferences, and to make better choices in the future
D. None of the above statements describe the idea of a consumption vocabulary.
3.The following paragraph is a description of which of the following terms? (any one)
Suppose a group of participants were given a large number of products to evaluate. The products are formed by fully crossing all the levels of relevant attributes (factors). The participants’ task is to evaluate each product on an overall liking score. Next, a regression equation is generated by using the liking score as a dependent variable and product attributes as the independent variables.
A. Analysis of variance
B. preference decomposition
C. case-based decision support system
D. choice architecture
4. Two choice architects Mr. X and Ms. Y are working on helping individuals who do not engage in retirement savings because they have trouble computing how much to set aside every month. Mr. X suggests the introduction of a program in which each potential participant is asked to choose between three dollar levels with the hope that they would choose the middle option. Ms. Y suggest a education program which provides participants with a simple decision rule and an aid to decide how much to set aside. Which of the following statement best describes the strategies recommended by X and Y?(any one)
A. Both X and Y are recommending a rebiasing strategy
B. X is recommending a debiasing strategy and Y is recommending a rebiasing strategy
C. X is recommending a rebiasing strategy and Y is recommending a debiasing strategy
D. Both X and Y are recommending a debiasing strategy
1 answer