
Which of the following explains why sunlight is important to aquatic ecosystems?

A. Sunlight provides a source of heat energy to increase water temperatures.

B. Sunlight keeps harmful bacteria from taking over aquatic ecosystems.

C. Sunlight makes it possible for aquatic predators to see their prey underwater.

D. Sunlight provides light energy that allows photosynthesis to occur in plankton and aquatic plants.
Select the three terms that belong together. To do this, pick one term from each of the three sets.
Set 1: intertidal zone, neritic zone, deep zone
Set 2: moderate light levels, freshwater, temperature fluctuations
Set 3: clams, squid, beavers

A. intertidal zone, temperature fluctuations, clams

B. neritic zone, freshwater, beavers

C. deep zone, temperature fluctuations, squid

D. neritic zone, lots of light, beavers
Which of the following factors does not vary between a fast-flowing river and a pond that receives no water input?

A. oxygen levels

B. salt concentration

C. temperature

D. fish species
Which of the following differs when comparing the deep ocean to the intertidal zone?

A. need for energy

B. salinity

C. the amount of sunlight

D. reliance on phytoplankton
Ponds and rivers are two types of

A. marine ecosystems.

B. rain forest biomes

C. freshwater ecosystems.

D. estuary ecosystems.

1 answer

1. D. Sunlight provides light energy that allows photosynthesis to occur in plankton and aquatic plants.

2. C. deep zone, temperature fluctuations, squid

3. D. fish species

4. C. the amount of sunlight

5. C. freshwater ecosystems.