1. Which factor contributed the most to the increased importance of literature in American culture during the 19th century?
A. the success of major social reform movements
B. the spread of utopian communities throughout the nation
C. the migration of European intellectuals to the united states
D. the greater availability of books, magazines, and newspaper.
2. which of these claims produced conflict between religious leaders and transcendentalists writers?
A. the claim that god and nature were the same
B. the view that everyone could interprets gods will
C. the belief that morality was different for every nation
D. the notion that humans were fundamentally self-serving
3. what was the effect of Nat Turner's Rebellion?
A. it became illegal to teach slaves to read and write
B. laws went effect to prevent the feeling of slaves
C. the fugitive slave law was repealed in the south
D. white people int he north developed the Underground Railroad
4. President Andrew Johnson said that "this is a country for white men". How did he act on this belief?
A. He appointed the Republican Cabinet
B. He refused to take the presidential oath of office
C. He vetoed most reconstruction legislation
D. He withdrew the military from southern states
My answers:
1. A
2. A
3. B
4. C
Are my answers right??
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