1. Which best describes the central idea of this passage?

A. There are ways to use text and audio to make literature more accessible for people with disabilities.
B. Dead Poets Society was a popular film released in 1989.
C. The literary world is working to have better options for people with disabilities.
D. Sarah Katz was born deaf and was the only deaf person in her school.
2. How does the author use details to support the central idea of this passage?
A. by identifying the hometown of the writer Sarah Katz
B. by explaining how magazines can be accessible to those with disabilities
C. by stating the new magazine will be published every two weeks.
D. by making an allusion to the film Dead Poets Society
3. Which statement from the text alludes to the central idea that writers with disabilities desire inclusion in the literary world but face obstacles in representation
A. “Some of its accomplishments are little noticed by able-bodied people: entrance ramps, wide hallways, even close captioning are all results of efforts to make daily life more accessible.”
B. ‘It really made me think about the ways in which we, as disabled people, are kept apart from each other,’ she said.”
C. But the magazine is only one step toward expressing the diversity and point of view of the disability community.”
D. “Deaf Poets Society, a new digital literary magazine, has a message for writers with disabilities: We see you. We want you to be here. And this is your space.”
4. What problem is Deaf Poets Society aimed at addressing for people with disabilities?
A. their difficulty many people with disabilities have advancing in their careers
B. the isolation many people with disabilities experience
C. the lack of public education about disabilities
D. the challenges people with disabilities have with everyday tasks
5. What are two ways the editors of Deaf Poets Society make the journal accessible to people with disabilities? Select the two correct answers.
A. by including descriptions of the images that are shown
B. by offering articles in both text and audio form
C. by encouraging writers not to “package themselves” for others
D. by releasing new issues on a bimonthly basis
E. by hosting literary events that readers can attend

4 answers

1. C. The literary world is working to have better options for people with disabilities.
2. B. by explaining how magazines can be accessible to those with disabilities (the passage discusses making text accessible through technologies such as screen readers and including audio versions of articles)
3. B. ‘It really made me think about the ways in which we, as disabled people, are kept apart from each other,’ she said.” (This statement suggests the obstacles faced by writers with disabilities in terms of inclusion and representation)
4. B. The isolation many people with disabilities experience
5. A. by including descriptions of the images that are shown
B. by offering articles in both text and audio form
1. Of the geographical features described, which impacted the creation of the Zhou dynasty?
A. Himalayan Mountains
B. Indian Ocean
C. Pacific Ocean
D. Yellow River
2. What philosophical belief system, based on the belief that leaders should be selected because they were wise and moral, most impacted the government structure of the Qin dynasty?
A. Buddhism
B. Confucianism
C. Legalism
D. Taoism
3. What was the impact of standardizing measurements?
A. Education
B. simplified trade
C. natural balance
D. economic equality
4. Identify two contributions to technology that were made during the Tang dynasty.
A. sails and irrigation
B. silk and paper
C. gunpowder and abacus
D. written language and pottery
5. Analyze how Confucianism impacted Emperor Wudi’s treatment of the nobility.
A. He gave power to people who passed Confucianism tests.
B. He made the nobles pass a civil service test.
C. He increased the power of the nobility.
D. Nobles were punished less severely than peasants.
1. D. Yellow River (The Yellow River played a significant role in the development of early Chinese civilizations, including the Zhou dynasty)
2. C. Legalism (Legalism was a philosophy that emphasized strict laws and harsh punishments, which influenced the government structure of the Qin dynasty)
3. B. simplified trade (Standardizing measurements made trade and commerce easier and more efficient)
4. C. gunpowder and abacus (Gunpowder and the abacus were two technological advancements made during the Tang dynasty)
5. A. He gave power to people who passed Confucianism tests. (Confucianism emphasized the importance of education and moral values, so Emperor Wudi rewarded those who adhered to these beliefs)