Here are the answers to your questions based on the translations and meanings of the adverbs provided:
Which adverb means difícil?
- Answer: difficult
Which adverb does not sound or is not similar to its English version (is not a cognate)?
- Answer: Mientras
Which adverb means softly?
- Answer: Suavemente
Which of these adverbs is a cognate?
- Answer: claramente
Which adverb fits the sentence "Maria sang sweetly."?
- Answer: dulcemente
Which adverb is the perfect translation for "Certainly, this month’s results have been very successful.”?
- Answer: Ciertamente
Which adverb is the perfect translation for “Obviously, there will be consequences in his working life.”?
- Answer: Obviamente
Which adverb is not a cognate?
- Answer: Posiblemente
Which adverb is the perfect translation for "Susana siempre camina cuidadosamente."?
- Answer: carefully
Which adverb means once a year? in... “My cat has his vaccines annually.”
- Answer: anualmente
Which adverb is the perfect translation for “I have lost my dog recently.”?
- Answer: Recientemente
Which adverb means slowly?
- Answer: lentamente
Which adverb means peacefully?
- Answer: tranquilamente
Which adverb means not happily?
- Answer: tristemente
Which adverb means rapidly?
- Answer: rápidamente
Which adverb means not hard?
- Answer: fácilmente
Which adverb means seriously?
- Answer: seriamente
Which adverb means someone doesn't put a lot of effort into doing something?
- Answer: perezosamente
Which adverb means like energetic?
- Answer: activamente
Feel free to ask if you have any more questions or need further assistance!