1. Where can we buy fast food like hotdogs?

- We can buy fast food like hotdogs on almost every street corner in the USA.

2. What kind of food can we find on the street?
- We can find drinks, hotdogs and pretzels.

3. How much is fast food like hotdogs and pretzels?
- A hot dog is 1,000 won and a pretzel is 500 won.

(Are the answers all grammatical? Would you correct some errors?)

1 answer

In questions 1 and 3, I'd do a bit of correcting:
How much is fast food, such as hotdogs and pretzels?

How would you correct question 1?

In question 2, I wouldn't want to find any food on the street!! Here's how I'd revise this:
What kind of food can we find [or get or buy] from street vendors?