1. When is the due date of the report?

It is on May 1st.

2. When is the deadline of the book?
It is tomorrow.

3. When is the report due?
It is due this morning.

4. When is the book due?
It is due this Thursday.

(Are the questions and answers all correct? Are the questions the same? Do we have some other expressions?)

English - Ms. Sue, Friday, April 16, 2010 at 8:36pm
They're all correct.

Thank you for your help.

1. When is the due date for the report?
It is on May 1st.

2. When is the deadline for the book?
It is tomorrow.

(What about the preposition 'for' instead of 'of'? Are both prepositions correct? Which preposition is commonly used?)

1 answer

Either preposition is correct, but I think "for" may be more common.