1) When a planet is at its slowest orbital speed its radius vector sweeps an area, A, in 45 days. What area will the radius vector for this planet sweep during a 40-day time period while at its fastest orbital speed?

A) A
B) More than A
C) 0.5 A
D) Less than A

2) as Venus orbits the sun, its semi -major axis length is 0.72 AU. How long does it take Venus to orbit the sun in years?

A) 0.61 years
B) 0.37 years
C) 0.80 years
D) 0.72 years

3) jupiter orbits the sun twice in 23.72 years. What is the length of its semi major axis as it orbits the sun in AU?

A) 563 AU
B) 5.2 AU
C) 115.5 AU
D) 4.9 AU

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