1. When a manager performs symbolic duties as the head

of an organization, that manager is called a

A. spokesperson. C. leader.

B. figurehead. D. liaison.

2. What is one characteristic of the Industrial Revolution

in America?

A. The farming society grew to greater numbers.

B. The movement lacked an adequate means of


C. Inventions allowed industries to locate in new areas.

D. Water and horse power were important elements of

its success.

Questions 3 and 4 are based on the following information.

The controlling-authoritative manager believes that most employees don’t like to

work and will work at the required level of productivity only if they’re forced by

threat of punishment.

3. What theory of management does this statement describe?

A. Theory X C. Systems theory

B. Theory Y D. Contingency theory

4. What management theory was proposed in contradiction and opposition to this theory?

A. Theory X C. Systems theory

B. Theory Y D. Contingency theory

5. A manager who groups related activities together and assigns employees to perform

them is performing the management role of

A. controlling. C. leading.

B. organizing. D. planning.

6. Henri Fayol’s greatest contribution was

A. the piece-rate system. C. time-and-motion studies.

B. the Gantt Chart. D. the functions of management.

7. The process of deciding the best way to use an organization’s resources to produce

goods and services is known as

A. leadership. C. management.

B. allocation. D. planning.

8. What is the best way to determine if the receiver of your message correctly

understands the message?

A. Ask the receiver if he or she understands the message.

B. Speak clearly and distinctly.

C. Study the receiver’s body language.

D. Ask the receiver to explain what he or she has heard.

9. Semantics refers to the meaning of words, while perception refers to the _______

of information.

A. hearing C. interpreting

B. receiving D. sending

10. Selecting the first alternative that meets a decision maker’s minimum standard of

satisfaction is called

A. satisficing. C. minimaxing.

B. optimizing. D. aspiring.

11. The latest demographic information shows that the United States is becoming

A. older and more diverse. C. younger and more diverse.

B. younger and less diverse. D. older and less diverse.

12. Which one of the following elements is considered part of paralanguage?

A. Body position C. Eye contact

B. Gestures D. Tempo of speech

13. Frederick W. Taylor developed the philosophy of

A. piece-rate systems management. C. styles of management.

B. scientific management. D. Hawthorne effect management.

14. Three colleagues are discussing the process of brainstorming. Grady maintains that

ideas aren’t to be criticized, praised, or discussed during the first phase of brainstorming.

Alice disagrees, arguing that praise for ideas is recommended in the first phase.

Timothy chimes in to point out that the merits of ideas are discussed in phase two, but

that it’s OK to criticize ideas in phase one. Who is correct?

A. Timothy C. Grady

B. Alice D. None of the three is correct.

15. Which one of the following tasks is the responsibility of supervisory management?

A. Determining the use of resources

B. Meeting goals established by senior management

C. Setting objectives for an organization

D. Managing production workers

16. Which one of the following functions generally supports an MIS?

A. Decision making C. Brainstorming

B. Data processing D. Problem solving

17. Which one of the following terms is associated with the optimizing approach?

A. Limits C. Rationality

B. Perceptions D. Biases

18. What is one element that Theory Z takes from Japanese companies?

A. Collective decision making C. Authoritative management

B. Individual responsibility D. Contingency management

19. Which one of the following statements about the grapevine is true?

A. Honesty from management can eliminate the grapevine.

B. The grapevine is often accurate.

C. The grapevine exists only among nonmanagement personnel.

D. The flow of information on the grapevine follows organizational hierarchy.

20. What was the main conclusion drawn from the Hawthorne studies?

A. Constant supervision is required for keeping employees on task.

B. Laissez-faire style management increases production and improves

employee morale.

C. Giving special attention to a group of employees changes their behavior.

D. Employees are more effective when left alone to perform tasks.

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