1. sour, acid <7
2. H+ and O-2 sort of H3O+ and O-2 is another way to look at it
2 b H O H because that is shape of molecule
2 c same number of 2 H+1 as O-2
3 a H+ up
3 b beats me, why should it change?
3 c OH- up, what else is new?
4 http://facultyfp.salisbury.edu/dfrieck/htdocs/212/rev/acidbase/arrhenius.htm
1. what would you expect the pH value for grapefruit juice to be? (>7, 7, <7)
2. A.) Which two ions are present in very small amounts in any sample of pure water?
b.) what is a good alternative chemical formula for water rather than H2O? Why?
c.) with respect to ion count, why is water considered to be neutral?
3. How do the number of H+ and OH- ions compare after
a.) HI is added to water?
b.)KBr is added to water?
c.)KOH is added to water?
4. Give the Arrhenius definitions for acids, bases, and salts.
3 answers
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