1) What would be the preferred heating device (s) in each of the following situations?
a) reflux a solvent with a 56 degree Celsius boiling point
b) reflux a solvent with a 110 degree Celsius boiling point
c) distillation of a substance that boils at 220 degree Celsius
3) What type of bath would you use to get a temperature of -10 degree Celsius?
5) Criticize the following techniques
a) Refluxing a mixture that contains diethyl ether using a Bunsen burner
b) Refluxing a mixture that contains a large amount of toluene using a hot-water bath
c) Refluxing a mixture using the apparatus shown in Figure 6.6, but with an unclamped thermometer
d) Using a mercury thermometer that is inserted into an aluminum block on a hate plate
e) Running a reaction with tert-butyl alcohol (2-methyl-2-propanol) that is cooled to 0 degree Celsius in an ice bath
2 answers