1.What would be a probable explanation for why there are many endemic plants and birds in New Zealand, but no native mammals?

(1 point)
They were driven away by non–native mammals.
Plants and birds would make ocean crossings to the isolated New Zealand islands, mammals could not.
They were hunted to extinction by the Maori.
The island habitats were not conducive to mammalian life.
2.Which of the following species is not endemic to New Zealand?
(1 point)
Bighorn sheep Morepork
Hoiho penguins
3.On which two tectonic plates does New Zealand sit?
(1 point)
the Philippine and Australian plates the Pacific and Philippine plates the Nazca and Pacific plates
the Australian and Pacific plates
4.What is the southernmost island in New Zealand?
(1 point)
Chatham Island South Island North Island Stewart Island
5.Why is South Island's west coast called the "Wet Coast"?
(1 point)
Its terrain consists mostly of rainforest.
Weather systems crossing the Pacific from South America hit this coast first.
The roaring forties bring strong west winds from the Indian Ocean. It sits in a climatic convergence zone.
6.What town is the "gateway" to the Milford Trek?
(1 point)
Te Anau Queenstown Christchurch
7.Explain the effect of the Southern Alps on the climate east of the mountains.
(1 point)
Their snow and ice have a chilling effect, keeping the central and
eastern areas cool and wet.
They divert precipitation into the east area, creating monsoon conditions.
They act as a barrier, protecting the area east from the prevailing west winds.
Their presence intensifies the speed of the roaring forties.
8.Which of the following animals would you have a better chance of observing at night?
(1 point)
Kiwi Tuatara Tui
9.The North Island contains three of the most frequently active volcanoes of one specific type in the world. What is this type of volcano?
(1 point)
caldera cone cumulo shield
10.What phenomenon helps glaciers move down the valleys of the Southern Alps?
(1 point)
basal sliding fiords
ice floes prevailing winds

9 answers

Basal sliding
All the answers please
1. Plants and birds would make ocean crossings to the isolated New Zealand islands, mammals could not.
2. Bighorn sheep
3. the Australian and Pacific plates
4. Stewart Island
5. It sits in a climatic convergence zone.
6. Te Anau
7. They act as a barrier, protecting the area east from the prevailing west winds.
8. Kiwi
9. cone
10. basal sliding
1.During the late 18th and mid-19th centuries, Europeans and North Americans were attracted to nearby coastal waters due to potential economic gains from
(1 point)
catching trout and cod fish. catching seals and whales. shipbuilding.
finding riches on unexplored islands.
2.Islanders living in Beqa, Fiji, live primarily
(1 point)
by hunting and eating meat. by fishing and cultivating tara. by gathering nuts for export. by eating plants.
3.This geographic feature is the primary reason for a budding economy on Cook Island.
(1 point)
beautiful beaches and pleasant climates beautiful volcanoes
tropical plants
unique population of fish
4.The discovery of _____________ caused the creation of new Australian towns.
(1 point)
jewels and diamonds bronze pottery
gold and mineral deposits furs
5.Which natural resource is not a common and highly important food source cthroughout the Pacific Islands?
(1 point)
bananas cattle pork taro root
6.Which natural resource is not a common and highly important food source cthroughout the Pacific Islands?
(1 point)
bananas cattle pork taro root
7.Which of the following is the basis of the traditional Aborigine economy?
(1 point)
hunting and gathering
1. catching seals and whales
2. by fishing and cultivating tara
3. beautiful beaches and pleasant climates
4. gold and mineral deposits
5. cattle
6. cattle
7. hunting and gathering
1.Which of the following demographic characteristics distinguishes Europe’s population from that of Asia?
(1 point)
More Europeans inhabit rural areas.
The European population is much younger.
Europeans are more concentrated in urban areas. Europe has a larger population concentration than Asia.
2.Where is the largest population concentration in the Western Hemisphere?
(1 point)
in the interior of Mexico
along the Brazilian coast
on the northeast U.S. and southeast Canadian seaboards in the southern half of California
3.In which of the following ways can a population grow?
(1 point)
migration marriage distribution death
4.Which area is considered to be the most densely populated?
(1 point)
Singapore Palestine Monaco Hong Kong
5.Which area of the world has experienced the greatest population growth over the past 10 years?
(1 point)
South America Asia
6.What event was responsible for the first population explosion?
(1 point)
the Industrial Revolution the invention of fire
the Agricultural Revolution the development of cities
7.Which of the following characterizes a Stage 3 population?
(1 point)
produces many offspring
lives in rural areas
experiences a sharp increase in crude death rate consists primarily of urban dwellers
8.Which is the result of zero population growth?
(1 point)
population stability
no natural increase
a rapid decline in human population
the elimination of high-density populations
9.Which statement is true regarding the distribution of population throughout the world?
(1 point)
Three-fourths of the world population occupies half of the planet’s
surface because of the abundance of hospitable land.
Three-fourths of the world population occupies 5 percent of the planet’s surface due to water and less hospitable land.
Three-fourths of the world population now occupies half of the planet’s surface due to diminishing polar areas as a result of global warming.
Half of the world population occupies 5 percent of the planet's surface due to more advanced forms of transportation.
10.Natural increase can be best defined as
(1 point)
population growth that occurs due to people’s desire to migrate to
more desirable locations.
population growth that occurs due to an increase in the birthrate.
population growth that occurs due to advances in the medical field, which will diminish fatal illnesses.
population growth that occurs due to favorable climatic and weather patterns in a region.
1. Europe has a larger population concentration than Asia.
2. on the northeast U.S. and southeast Canadian seaboards
3. marriage
4. Monaco
5. Africa
6. the Agricultural Revolution
7. experiences a sharp increase in crude death rate
8. population stability
9. Three-fourths of the world population occupies 5 percent of the planet’s surface due to water and less hospitable land.
10. population growth that occurs due to an increase in the birthrate.
1.Which would most likely NOT be a result of rapid population growth in a region?
(1 point)
decrease in food availability and increased reliance on imported food increase in taxes and debt with foreign countries
increase in the rate of plant and animal extinction
expansion of natural environments such as forest land
2.Experts argue that a significant water shortage by 2025 will be caused by
(1 point)
rising ocean levels.
drastic increase in water usage by humans.
drastic increase in usage by a growing animal population.
raging, out-of-control wildfires that are spreading throughout many of the Earth’s dry regions.
3.Overcrowded living conditions contribute to all of the following except
(1 point)
the spread of infectious diseases. migration.
increased consumption of resources. preservation of wetlands.
4.The one-child policy of 1979 was a system used to regulate population growth within this country.
(1 point)
Soviet Union United States China
5.All of the following are major factors contributing to the global water pollution problem except
(1 point)
the dumping of pesticides into coastal waters. the dumping of sewage from industrial plants. oil spills from tankers.
the release of waste products from fish.
6.To accommodate the rapid human population growth, the water supply should increase by
(1 point)
5 percent each year over a 15-year period.
20 percent over a 15-year period.
50 percent over a 10-year period.
10 percent each year over the next two decades.
7.Which statement is false regarding the world's population?
(1 point)
The world's population is increasing. The world's population is decreasing.
The increase in the world's population is causing overcrowded conditions in parts of Asia and Europe.
The increase in the world's population is causing people to settle in geographic areas that are suitable to living.
8.Which place would most likely have a low population density?
(1 point)
Sahara Desert
Coastal North America Southeast Asia Western Europe
9.The depletion of the world’s rain forests contributes to all of the following except
(1 point)
a decrease in oxygen that is released into the atmosphere. an increase in the temperature.
a decrease in the amount of carbon dioxide that is released in the atmosphere.
a decrease in the size of the natural habitat due to human settlement.
10.In most industrial countries,
(1 point)
the amount of trees that are removed is smaller than the amount
harvest rates are surpassed by net annual tree growth. there is not a diminishing supply of trees.
trees are being cut down because of the overabundance of trees that exist.
1. expansion of natural environments such as forest land
2. drastic increase in water usage by humans.
3. preservation of wetlands.
4. China
5. the release of waste products from fish.
6. 10 percent each year over the next two decades.
7. The world's population is decreasing.
8. Sahara Desert
9. a decrease in the amount of carbon dioxide that is released in the atmosphere.
10. harvest rates are surpassed by net annual tree growth.