1. What was thee one product that the salzburgers had some success with in Georgia that other settlers did not?
A. Squash
B. Rice
C. Corn
D. Silk *****
2. which of the following actions of the trustees did the malcontents dislike?
A. Women were not allowed to inherit property
B. The largest land grants were limited to 500 acres
C. Rum was banned
D. All of the above *****
3. which of the following is not something that the three laws enacted by the trustees cover
A. Rum and other spirits
B. Slavery
C. Food crops
D. Trade with the Indians*****
4. which following reasons made Oglethorpe recruit the highland scots?
A. Their clan colors
B. They were good soldier and fighters*****
C. They knew how to produce silk
D. They brought stronger cattle with them
Which of the following resulted from the threat of Spain in Florida?
A. Forts were built and fortified in southern Georgia
B. A regiment of soldiers was sent to Georgia from England
C. Forts were built in northern Georgia
D. All of the above ****
10 answers
but the rest are right :)
2. D
3. C
4. B
5. D
I just got a 100% trust me