Here are the answers to the questions based on an understanding of American history:
#1 Can a state overturn a federal law?
#2 Henry Clay proposed a compromise tariff that eventually eased tensions.
#3 Adams supported efforts to promote the growth of businesses, while Jackson supported efforts to help the ordinary man.
#4 Some settlers loaded their animals and wagons on flatboats to float down rivers.
#5 Some felt he had used his power inappropriately in vetoing legislation to recharter the Bank.
#6 Manifest Destiny
#7 Pioneers carried all their possessions on long and dangerous trails.
#8 It ignored that fact that Native American lands were sovereign and not technically part of the United States.
It inspired Texans to fight the Mexicans for their independence.
It encouraged Texans to plead with the United States for support.
#10 John C. Calhoun
#11 The slave population roughly doubled as several new slave states were admitted to the Union.
#12 It intensified the debate over the expansion of slavery.
Feel free to ask if you need further explanations or clarifications on any of the answers!