Here are the answers to your questions:
Question #1
What was the fundamental question addressed in each of these congressional acts?
- Should slave labor be allowed in new states?
Question #2
Which of the following best shows how the issue of states’ rights contributed to the onset of the Civil War?
- Many Southerners believed the rights of their states were threatened by Northern abolitionists.
Question #3
Based on the lesson and this quote, what was Lincoln's hope for the future of the Union?
- Both sides would reconcile and freedom and equality would prevail.
Question #4
The Georgia governor’s order is an example of which of the following?
- sectionalism
Question #5
How did the governor’s order that only Georgian officers could command Georgia’s troops demonstrate a problem in the South?
- The Confederate military had difficulty organizing itself.
Question #6
What were two results of industrialization in the United States during the mid-1800s?
- Sectional differences increased.
- Factory jobs increased.
Question #7
Why did Grant not want his troops to celebrate the surrender of the Confederate troops?
- It would not help in unifying the nation again.
Question #8
Based on the map, why might some Southerners feel the Missouri Compromise favored the North?
- There was more territory north of the line.
Question #9
According to Dred Scott's lawsuit, how had his rights been violated?
- He was kept as a slave even though he lived in free territory.
Question #10
Which of the following best summarizes President Lincoln's meaning in this last sentence of his Gettysburg Address?
- Americans should honor the sacrifice of soldiers by continuing democratic government.
Question #11
Based on these excerpts, which statement describes the ideas of Presidents Davis and Lincoln?
- Davis believed that the federal government made secession necessary, while Lincoln believed the union must be preserved.
Question #12
Which of the following best exemplifies how the Battle of Gettysburg was a turning point in the Civil War for the Union?
- The Confederacy did not launch another invasion of the North after the battle.
Question #13
Why did Lincoln inform the Confederacy that he would not be sending troops or weapons as food supplies were sent to Fort Sumter?
- to convince the Confederacy he did not intend any military action