1.What was a big difference between the Texas constitution of 1836 and the Texas Constitution of 1845?
A.The constitution of 1845 did not have a separation of powers like that of the constitution of 1836.
B.The constitution of 1836 was more in depth than the Constitution of 1845
C.The constitution of 1845 was the constitution of an independent republic, the constitution of 1836 was the constitution of a state.
D.The constitution of 1836 was the constitution of an independent republic, the constitution of 1845 was the constitution of a state.******
2.After analyzing the similarities and differences of the U.S. constitution and the Texas constitution of 1845, what conclusion can be made?
A.Both constitutions were more different than alike in their goals
B.Both constitutions were more alike than different in their goals*****
C.Both constitutions were limited in their governing power.
D.Both constitutions were broad in how they addressed government powers.
3.Why does the current constitution of texas divide power in the executive branch?
A. This guarantees; that no individual or agency has more power than another.*****
B.A divided executive branch means that decisions are made more swiftly
c. The governor is only a figurehead and holds no power.
D.Texas has a long history of a strong central government.
4.How is a flag burning justified as a form of free speech?
A.freedom of speech allows people to destroy what they do not agree with as long as others are not hurt.
B.Freedom of speech allows people to express opinions that do not offend others.
C.Freedom of speech means people are free to express their beliefs, even in nonverbal ways.*****
D.Freedom of speech protects any action or expression that is not political.
5.Why is it important for citizens to take an active role in Texas government? Select 2.
A.It gives citizens' responsibility to shape the direction of government.*****
B.it gives citizens a chance to have a voice in the way society is governed*****
C.If citizens aren't actively participating in voting, they may be sent to jail.
D.Citizens receive money for voting and other civic participation.
6.Which two groups split the Texas democrats through the 1950s and 60s?
A.Republicans and conservatives
B.Liberals and independents
C.Republicans and liberals
D.Liberals and conservatives******
7.By the 1990s, how was the representation of the Texas Democrats and the Texas Republicans different?
A. Democrats represented liberal causes, and republicans represented more conservative ideas.
B. Republicans represented liberal causes and democrats represented conservative ideas.
C.republicans represented the causes of the people, whereas the democrats did not.
D.Democrats represented the causes of the people, whereas the republicans did not.****
8. What types of issues do public interest groups advocate for that private interest groups do not? Select 2.
A.free college tuition
B. Clean rivers and streams
C.fair labor standards*****
D. healthcare for the needy*****
9.Why was the creation of the Texas Ethics commission important to interest groups in Texas? Select 2.
A.It gave them extra money and a greater voice in the government.*****
B.It maintained legal standards for lobbyists.*****
C. It investigated complaints.
D. It allowed them to promote violence and sabotage.
10. Which Texas leader became Speaker of the House?
A. Babara Jordan
B. Phil Gramm
C. Raymond Telles
D. Sam Rayburn*****
11.What distinguishes James Baker III's career from other Texas leaders?
A.he served as the governor of Texas
B.He was never elected to a public office
C.He was the only U.S. senator
D.He was the only one that didn't run for president.
12.What is the function of a county government in texas?
A. provides administration to city neighborhoods.
B. provides education to children in the area*****
C. provides local administration for the state
D. provides some federal services such as immigration control
13. What is the difference between the strong-mayor and weak-mayor forms of city government?
A. In a weak-mayor government, citizens make all the major decisions but don't have a voice in a strong mayor system.
B. In a strong-mayor government, power is given to an executive, and in a weak-mayor government, the city council has more power.*****
C.Strong mayor governments are run by a city council, and weak mayor government is run by the people
D. Weak mayor governments are run by one elected official, and strong mayor governments are run by citizens
15. Compare and contrast the U.S. Constitution with the current Texas constitution.
16.What types of actions can a Texan take to show civic virtue?
17. Describe the leadership qualities and accomplishes of Texan politicians who were served as presidents of the U.S.?
18. What was the Tidelands Controversy, and how did it represent a major change in politics in the 1950s?
26 answers
A, C
A, C
B, D
1. D
2. B
3. A
4. C
5. A & B
6. A
7. D
8. A
9. B & D
10. B & C
11. A
12. D
13. B
14. C
15. B
16. A
These are the correct answers i promise, have a good summer for those reading.
Thank you Fizzy!! Checked my answers against yours 100%
1. A. The constitution of 1836 was the constitution of an independent republic, and the Constitution of 1845 was the constitution of a state.
2. B. Both constitutions were more alike than different in their goals
3. A. This guarantees that no individual or agency has more power than another.
4. Freedom of speech means people are free to express their beliefs even in nonverbal ways
5. A & B It is the citizens’ responsibility to shape the direction of government. It gives the citizens a chance to have a voice in the way society is governed.
6. A. Volunteer at a homeless shelter.
7. D. Liberals and conservatives
8.A. Democrats represented Liberal causes while Republicans represented more conservative ideas
9. B & C. Clean rivers and streams. Healthcare for the needy
10. B & C It maintained legal standards for lobbyists. It investigated complaints.
11. B. established Medicare and Medicaid programs
12. D. Sam Rayburn
13. B. He was never elected to a public office.
14. C. Provides local administration for the state.
15. B. In a strong-mayor government, power is given to an executive, and in a weak-mayor government, city council has more power.
16. A. The judicial branch deals with the court system, while the executive deals with governing officials
For 17 and 18, I'll give you the information found on the study guide as a reference. Please make sure you use your own words, otherwise you’ll be copying what the study guide says. Oh, and if you want to see if the answers, I gave for 1-16 are correct, (though I can assure you they are) you can also check the study guide, the answers are in bold. <3
17. ●Texas constitutions were usually modeled after US. ●The Texas Constitution calls for a separation of powers among the three branches of government. ●Rather than create a strong executive branch, the Texas Constitution limits the governor’s power to give jobs to associates. This guarantees that no individual or agency has more power than another. ●The Supreme Court said flag burning is justified as a form of free speech ●The Court ruled that flag burning is protected because “speech” applies to many different forms of expression.
18. The Tidelands were a 10.5-mile-wide strip along the Gulf Coast that contained rich oil deposits. Texas had claimed it since the days of the Republic of Texas. •The federal government claimed the land and denied Texas the right to lease its coastal waters to oil companies for offshore drilling. •This issue and loss of revenue turned Texans against Truman. Texas had always been strongly Democratic, but the Republican candidate for president (Truman's opponent) was able to carry the state in the 1952 election because he supported the state’s point of view in the Tidelands Controversy. •This began the downfall of the Democratic Party in TX.
it gets me almost a 100 (97)
A: It gave power to individuals to issue bills and checks
B: it limited government by limiting the state debt to $100,000
C: the constitution started a new, large state banking industry
D: it banned banking from the state entirely
None of the other options given limit the powers of the legislative branch of the government. Option A relates to the power of individuals, not the legislative branch. Option C is about the banking industry, which is not related to the legislative branch, and option D is about banning banking, which again does not limit the powers of the legislative branch.
B. It limited the state debt to $100,000
This provision put a limit on the amount of debt that the state could incur, thereby limiting the power of the legislative branch to authorize unlimited state spending. There are no other options given that apply to the limitations of the legislative branch.