1. What type of leadership is practiced at NCF, transactional or transformational? How do you know?

2. What type of leadership is practiced at SSS, transactional or transformational? How do you know?
3. Which style of leadership would you recommend for a health care or human service organization? Explain your answer.

6 answers

You may need to type the information, rather than trying to copy and paste it.
Located at opposite ends of the country, Northwest Center for Families (NCF) and Southeast Social Services (SSS) are local government agencies specializing in family, child, and school social work in rural areas. After attending a conference on performing social work in small communities, the directors of both organizations have returned with plans to address the issue of dual relationships, in which social workers relate to their clients on multiple levels—including social and professional. Each director takes a different approach to solving the problem.
NCF’s director sends out a memo to employees stressing that dual relationships are a conflict of interest prohibited by the organization. She states that a dual relationship could be grounds for employee termination and encourages employees to report any non-sanctioned interaction between social workers and their clients. The NCF director’s plan also includes the construction of a new employee lounge, with the understanding that employees will eat their lunches in the office, rather than eating in town.
The director of SSS holds a meeting with his staff to discuss the organization’s role and purpose in the community. He shares what he has learned at the conference: the potential to improve people’s lives outweighs any other social or professional interaction that could derail the organization’s purpose. The SSS director explains that he will make it his personal mission to solve the problem of dual relationships and asks employees for their input and participation in overcoming this obstacle. The leader explains all the employees must work together to reform the organization in order to better serve the community.

Answer the following questions:

1. What type of leadership is practiced at NCF, transactional or transformational? How do you know?
2. What type of leadership is practiced at SSS, transactional or transformational? How do you know?
3. Which style of leadership would you recommend for a health care or human service organization? Explain your answer.
1. What type of leadership is practiced at NCF, transactional or transformational? How do you know?
2. What type of leadership is practiced at SSS, transactional or transformational? How do you know?
3. Which style of leadership would you recommend for a health care or human service organization? Explain your answer.
1. What type of leadership is practiced at NCF, transactional or transformational? How do you know?
2. What type of leadership is practiced at SSS, transactional or transformational? How do you know?
3. Which style of leadership would you recommend for a health care or human service organization? Explain your answer.
I suggest you check your text materials and/or these site to find the answers for the first two questions.



For me, the SSS style of leaderships is preferable.

What do you think?
Bahrain is a small country in Arabian Gulf, with 1,234,596 inhabitants. Bahrainins divided into two groups Sunni approximately 50% and Shia 42% and the rest are residents from many countries. The Shia starts the demonstrations in 14 Feb 2011 after the succes of Tunisia demonstration, in the begining of the events the demonstration was peaceful, but after that they call to topple and drop the government and leaders in Bahrain. Iran was and still the major support for the demonstrations in Bahrain because it consider Bahrain one of province of Iran, which she tried many times to make troubles in Bahrain and sectarianism between Sunni and Shie people. On 13th of March Shia starts to attack hospitals, schools, universities and private company and intimidation, also they killed two Indian persons in cold blood, also they attcked university's girls, policemen, and even child persons.
They were like Hyena killing for fun. Alot of citizens and residents attacked in demonstrations.
see the attch images of Shia: