1. What term refers to an energy transfer that causes a change in tempeture?
Assume that you have just taken a pan of cooies out of the oven and set them on he counter to cool.
2. What term refers to the aveage kinetic energy of the particles of one of the cookies?
3. Imagine you just put your hand next t one of the cookies without touching it. Your hand feels warm. By what mathod(s) has the thermal energy of the cookies transferred to your hand?
4. Imangine you move the cooking sheet and touch the spot where it had been sitting. It feels warm. How did the thermal energy of the cookies transfer to the stove?
5. If you were to draw the cookies, you would draw arrows above the cookies to show the rising current.
a. by what method is the thermal energy causing the air to move?
b. what kind of current is this?
c. what specific name is givin to this kind of current when it is in the air?
6. The words _____ and _____ are commonly used to indicate temperature, but they are not scifentific terms becasue they mean different things to different people.
7. Temperature really is a measure of the ______ of the particles in any material.
Thank you for any help!
4 answers