1. What powers did Parliament have in the Bill of Rights?
2. Why was King James removed from the throne?
3. Do you think the people of England were more in favor of King William and Queen Mary in being the King and Queen than King James II? Why or nor why not? Support your answer
4. Name three rights guaranteed by the English Bill of Rights which was also in the Magna Carta.
5. What is meant by monarch?
6. What is meant by levy?
7. How were laws set up in the Massachusetts Bay Colony?
8. How was government set up in Pennsylvania?
5 answers
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yes i would like help with the assignment, like good sites onto where i could find information of this or something
You can Google each one.
1. Parliament Bill of Rights
2. King James England
3. King William Queen Mary England
4. English Bill of Rights Magna Carta
1. Parliament Bill of Rights
2. King James England
3. King William Queen Mary England
4. English Bill of Rights Magna Carta
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