1. WHat kind of vegetation (or biome) would be found on the western slope of mountains at 6,000 feet? Explain.
2. How are the general characteristics of plants (for example, morphology influenced by climate?) In other words, explain what effects climate has on the types of plants that grow in an area.
3. How is the distribution of major ecosystems or biomes related to climate? If you know the mean annual precipitation and the mean annual temperature of an area, would you be able to accurately predict the type of biome that could exist there? Explain.
4. How do you determine if winds are warming or cooling? I get the fact the winds are cooling if they travel from east to west in the tropics...is that all there is to it?
Please help me asap!!!
We do not do your homework for you. When you have come up with YOUR answers, we will be more than pleased to proof read and make suggestions for improvement.
1. Forest - due to the rain shadow and that is near the coastline.
2. I don't know on this one except maybe for the photosynthesis concept.
3. Climate affects temperature which affects where they are distributed.
4. I explained on this one. I get the fact that cooling winds are from east to west from the tropics, is it the opposite for the warming winds?
I am not asking you to do my homework, just help me get started a bit.
1. You're right about the forest. But in the U.S., would you expect to find a rain shadow on the western slopes near the coast line? At 6,000 feet -- what kind of forest biome would you find?
2. Photosynthesis is just one factor. What about high and low temperatures and precipitation?
3. Knowing the mean annual temperatures and rainfall doesn't give you the highs and lows. Many plants can't exist if the temperatures fall below freezing or if there are periods without rain.
What About the Warming Winds? Was I right about that?
Correct. In the tropics warming winds would come from the west, off the Tropic of Cancer.