1. What is the Socratic method and what is its legacy?
A: The Socratic Method is a form of inquiry and debate, usually via rhetorical questions, between two or more individuals of opposing perspectives that aims to stimulate critical thinking and either support or undermine a position. It was developed by the Ancient Greek philosopher Socrates and has been one of the primary aspects of debate and logic since its formation. The Socratic method is frequently used in law school and during interrogations as a method of revealing the truth behind a claim or stance.
2. What were Roman standards for justice?
A: Roman standards of justice included many that are familiar to us. For example, a person was regarded as innocent until proved otherwise. People accused of wrongdoing were allowed to defend themselves before a judge. A judge, in turn, was expected to weigh evidence carefully in making his decision.
3. How was Islam meant to complete what Judaism and Christianity had begun?
A: Both Christianity and Judaism called for submission to Allah, the one and only God with no partner, no son, no associate, and no companion. Islam religion, per Quran revelation to prophet Muhammad by God through the angel Gabriel, completed the role of these two previuos religions in correcting for deviations that were introduced, in the previous beliefs, by some to implement their own ideas and thoughts. In addition, Quran, as the last God holy book, detailed the morals and the rules for life that should be considered by believers in God.
3 answers
Are you clear on what rhetorical questions are?
3. What?? "Both Christianity and Judaism called for submission to Allah"
You've started off wrong for 3.