1. from (not on)
3. flashlight (not flash lighter)
4. colored, paper (not papers)
5. brown (not blown)
6. omit "a"
line (not underlines)
Everything else is perfect!
You're welcome -- and I hope you have a great weekend, too.
1. What is the person doing in Picture 1? He is cutting out a flower on the light green paper with a pair of scissors.
2. A person is joining the red paper to the purple paper.
2-1. A person is joining the red paper and the purple paper with a paper fastener.
3. A person is shining a light with a flash lighter.
4. A person is drawing a flower on a piece of light green paper. There are four pieces of clolored papers in the picture.
5. A person is taping the yellow paper to the blown paper.
6. You should find a suitable expressions from the box below and write them on the underlines below each picture.
(Would yoiu check the sentences? Correce errors, please. Thank you. Have a great weekend.)
1 answer