1. What is the governing force in the solar system when it comes to movement?

A. inertia
B. gravity
C. size
D. energy

2. How does size of an object impact gravity?
A. The objects closer to the Sun have more gravity.
B. The smaller the mass of an object the more gravity it has.
C. Size does not impact gravity.
D. The larger the mass of an object, the more gravity it has.

3. All of the objects in the solar system orbit the ______.

A. Sun
B. Earth
C. Nearest star (Alpha Centauri)
D. Universe

3 answers

#1 gravity
#2 F = GMm/d^2
#3 hmmm. it's called the "solar" system for a reason.
The answer would be
Q.1 B.gravity
Q.2 D.
Q.3. A. Sun