1. What is the basic independent unit of world politics?

A) country
B) province
C) nation****
D) organization

2. Which of the following groups is an example of the basic unit you selected in the previous question?

A) people who share a common language

B) people who choose to live near each other

C) people who share the same political values****

D) people who live together under a sovereign government

107 answers

What unit and lesson is it?? I can help u
Unit 4, Lesson 5
What grade
Warning ... If you try to cheat (giving away answers), you're moving yourself into the banned area!
I wound't give him the answer I'm going to help him find the answers on his text book
I need someone to heck answers, the info you are asking for is irrelavant
That's fine. Just no cheating, please.
Okay that's fine but what grade are you in batman
Just see if these questions are in your text book lucky?, I don't want to cheat, I just need someone to check answers
That's why want to know what grade because I don't want to check it and get you to get wrong answers
The right answers have nothing to do with grade level. You are not helpful, Lucky. Back off!

1 is right; 2 is wrong.
Hi I am Lucky and can confirm that is not me
Ms. Sue that was disrespectful to Lucky and I feel it was unnecessary. I think you have changed a lot since the old years. Lucky just wanted to know the grade so he could give the right answers without confusing him/her I believe.
I think its A and D
@LOL How would it be A and D if Mrs. Sue said 1 was C?
People are really triggered aren't they...
Part A =(C) Part B =(D)
2 - C
3 - B
4 - B
5 - B
6 - C
7 - B&C
8 - B
thanks Answers!! i got 100%
Answers!! is correct.
leave this site ms sue you arent wanted
It's time to stop guys. Mrs Sue and Writeacher are practically the only ones here who even understand this. Kids these days are learning nothing because of people like Answers!!. It's disgraceful and sad. I know because I am a kid who used to cheat. I've changed because I want to live a good successful happy life when I get older. I want to be a smart dad with maybe one or two kids and I don't want to end up a stupid idiot who didn't learn a single darn thing in school! It's time to stop!
i agree ArkhamSeries people should at least learn enough so that when they are older they will at least build up common sense so that they can tell right from wrong, hard work and patience pays off very well, people shouldn't cheat there way in life and get mad at others because they don't won't to cheat, maybe you should listen to the people that tell you to work its hard but honorable if you cheat your way in school you may be the cool kid but in the long run you end up probably alone and not a clue of what to do because you thought you would look cool and fail and when you find a job, guess what your boss the person that will pay you he or she was one of the people that tried hard and DIDN'T fail....who ever reads this please dont take this and a insult to anyone take it as a warning and maybe a chance to turn around onto the right path
Answers!! Is correct. I do believe that if you are struggling with one or two specific questions you should come here for answers but you should at least read and participate in the lesson beforehand.
Ok chill. If we are being honest, the stuff in math... Will it really come in handy in real life situations? Stem-and-leaf plots? Really? Box and Whisker plots?? My mom said she never learned about that crap. I also hope I never have kids omg.
So your on a right track in life? Your done with cheating? Your smart? Then why are you here looking at test answers? EXPOSED
Note: There have been people who set their name as "Ms. Sue" before, and they try to confuse people.
nobody has time to read all this garbage
The guy is right but it's hard to not look at all of this because social studies is hard for me and in order to rodeo I need to have good grades and I try in social studies but again it's really hard. So people can use this to check awnsers and figure out why they got this wrong.
5 is C
5 is c
1. (Part A) C
1. (Part B) D
2. C
3. B
4. B
5. C
6. C
7. B&C
8. B

Answers was wrong about number 5 but it's still 90% correct so no harm done.
Ughhh people up there shut up about the "Cheating"
If you're here, you're looking to get good grades. Nothing else. That's the only purpose of this website.
Number 5 is incorrect. The correct one is C.
GUYS, please trust me, ANSWERS is correct, instead of 5, which is C, trust me!!!!
Wow I just wanted to check my answers to make sure I had everything right and all this- wow- just let us be. I know cheating is bad, but I'm just checking. I read all my stuff, I take tons of notes, and get 100% on all my SS tests. If it weren't from me also going on here and checking my answers I probably wouldn't know everything I do. People link things that help me understand better, and I learn what I missed, and get it right next time. The people were just checking the other persons answers like wanted, and I like to believe that everyone here went with them because they were checking theirs and thought "Oh this is correct. Good grades!"
But please, don't assume we are terrible people. We just want to check our stuff so we can learn even more, and you came on this website searching one of these questions too, didn't you? In your terms, that wouldn't make you any better than us.
Ms. Sue is getting the biggest amount of disrespect but she is just tryna help yall Kids get smart. I came to get answers I admit, but my life is downhill and I'm mental so I don't understand, Ms. Sue earns my respect cause she's smart and she's always right. Don't follow after people who cheat cause one day someone gonna ask you what's the circumference of a circle with a ratio of 7 you never gonna know.
I feel that we should just try to help each other instaed of fighting over some quiz answers. Some of us, like me, are failing and and we just need some help checking answers. why is everyone fighting over this if you don't like cheating why are you even here looking for answers? stop judging people and just help each other.
Social Studies (Check Answers) - Dat Guy Tuesday, October 3, 2017 at 10:35am
1. (Part A) C
1. (Part B) D
2. C
3. B
4. B
5. C
6. C
7. B&C
8. B
I would never ever cheat if I were not forced to. I never ever cheated; I wanted it to be my knowledge and intelligence reflected broadly in my grades, as I had 100% average all straight A's with a 4.3 GPA as calculated by my homeroom teacher. I moved to another country where I had to leave my books behind and the area I now live in in the country I live in does not receive WiFI so I cannot even use my online textbooks; else I wouldn't be here. I hate cheaters, and I hate the idea of cheating, and I hate being referred to as a cheater because I always take situations head on, no shorter routes or get rich quick schemes, I commit 150% and study. I have 137 IQ. I WOULDN'T BE HERE. I haven't read my material in so long it's quite foggy over certain areas they have us at right now. My work got so bundled because before I moved I had to rush to do so many things. I'm so ashamed of the kids who are sitting right in front of their textbooks; they could read and learn more but they want to go in live lessons and talk about Roblox and Ben 10 and anime. I would never risk getting kicked out of Connections nor would I ever cheat, seeing how I love school, learning, and reading. I have the goals of going to Harvard. I can't do that being expelled can I? I just thought I should say something because so many people are cheating that everyone who comes here is generalised as the typical rebel lazy arse 8th grader.
Anonymous cut the defensive stuff, we all know that you come here for answers, and so do I, theres no problem in doing it. Hehe thats what dumb people say "I would never EVER cheat not if im forced to." Bull dookie Who ever you are, you must have very little common sense because only really dumbo people would say some silly nilly like that. and onee more thing "HeY lOsEr, GeT sOmE CoMmOn SeNsE"
Crank, that was an awful thing to say, do you know Anonymous? Do u know her situation? No, u don't so leave her alone and deal with ur own situations!
i got 8 out of 10
i got 7 outta 10
lmao. lil pump is right. number 5 is C for connections kids !!
The real answers are c d c b b c c b and c b cause i got a 100 on my quiz
5. c
c is the correct answer
thanks Anonymous.
Number 5 is: C
i read and know a bit of it, i put my answers in and just see if they are right and if not ill find how they got the answer.
I love watching people fight lol
Also, you and me both, homie. Lmao.
You guys have to get along
HELLO PEOPLE,i have an opinion that everyone should consider, LET PEOPLE BE PEOPLE. If they want to learn and get the answers on their own great! If they want all the right answers dont judge them, it is likely they dont trust themselves. Dont try to be mean and force your opinion on them.
@ello that was from 2016
1. Part A --C
Part B-- D
2. C
3. B
4. B
5. C
6. C
7. B and C
8. B
I'm dumb so i need these answers
part 1: C
part 2: d
2: C
3: B
4: B
5: C
6: C
7: B,C
correct answers 100%
For connexus users, @Answers answers is correct, just change number 5 to C and you will get a 100%!
I have adult friends they never cheated and they almost never use the stuff they learned in school so I don’t really see the point in if you cheat or not
Omg all the people that say don't cheat on. Here IS LITERALLY HERE SO THAT MEANS THERE ASO CHEATING SOOO
this conversation went from so mean to so nice. i like that :)
i got a 9 out of 10
5 is c
5 is c i got 9/10 when i put b so yea
Y’all need to stop fighting. Like I just came here to check my answers but if some people wanna cheat, it might be wrong but it’s their choice. It’ll effect them and not you so just drop it.
Part A (C) Part B (D)
2 - C
3 - B
4 - B
5 - c
6 - C
7 - B&C
8 - B
@ Answers!!! is right, but its not b, its C trust me, 100% :P
Part A (C) Part B (D)
2 - C
3 - B
4 - B
5 - C
6 - C
7 - B, C
8 - B
the amount of paragraphs in this about disrespect and cheating xD , literally no ones gonna read them because no one cares, just let us do us and you do you.
@ArkamSeries ok boomer
oh boy guys chill out the reason this ssite exixstt is for cheating lets be honest
Dont you all realize that some people use this app other then cheating? Some people use it to cheat some people use it to "check answers". If that is all you are doing then you dont need to shame others let them do as they do!! Some people find it difficult to find answers like I am considerd special ed so I use this app along with brainly it helps understand the answers I go back and look and say ooh this is how they got this answer EVER THINK OF THAT!!!
Aye thanks I was googleing the answers on a test and cam across this website and I got 100% that you guys
Answer!! Is right but 5 is wrong it is c religious freedom
Yo those were beautiful speaces
Me in the background that uses this site to check answers ._.
I know that I'm a little late to this like 4 years late but I agree with ArkhamSeries if we were still in school but since covid we have been stuck at home when we get back to school people will probably stop using this but with online school I don't see the problem because we aren't learning much anyway
To the people who are upset with everyone on this site:
Not everyone is trying to cheet. I read the lessons and take good notes, but I come here to make sure my answers are correct after i try. there are lots of people like that on here, and if people are cheeting it's their problem, not your's.
anyone actually read all of the comments

ok just me¯\_(ツ)_/¯
OK guys chill. Most people come here to check their answers, even though there are people who come here to cheat. I read the info and take notes, but my father torments me if I get anything less then an A.
Don't harass everyone because of a couple cheaters, no one benefits from it!
Me: cheats on a test

Me: gets one answer wrong on purpose so the teacher isn't suspicious

Also me: a small price to pay for salvation
Alright, what I'm going to say is,

1. Get a grip people! They already gave you the answers to what you were looking for! why waste your time arguing with people online?

2. Ms. Sue and Writeacher are trying to help. They have more experience then you guys. Like They gave you answers and your wasting your time writing paragraphs that could've been you writing a paragraph for an essay question or an LA essay.

3. Again, Why are y'all fighting? There's no use guys. You got your answer now begone.

I'm going to go check my answers and have a good day.
Everyone, please calm down and stop yelling at each other.
5 is B
no its still c
1. C
2. D
3. C
4 B
5. B
6. C
7. C
8. B + C
9. B

Social Studies 8th Grade
Quiz: Influential Ideas and Events Quiz

- Yours, The Riddler
1. nation
2. people who live together under a sovereign government
3. Socialist oligarchy
4. volunteering
5. religious freedom
6. The leader of Britain is chosen by legislature.
7. free speech and trial by jury
8. It can make it difficult for any part of the government to enact changes.
For scrolling down this far, have cookie and some milk, dear child. 🍪🥛
We’re not going to use any of this information in our lives tho
literally& also it’s right
Edward E. Nygma is right
Gotchufam is right.
Gotchu fam is 100% correct but didn’t put all the answers so for 2 it’s “It mediates conflicts and supports humanitarian projects.”
… means 3 but is right!!
Thanks gotchu fam, but like a lot of other people i come here to check my answers and i really think that trying to get people to not cheat is pretty pointless. look i dont think anyone wants to stare at a screen and learn and do all the practices and assingments to get good grades. Also ive been to public school and i can say that there is a lot less work at public school than online, online is way harder and i think its fine to check your answers.
same if im confused about something i check my answers here to see how they got it
thats why I have all As
What’s answer to number 2? Not part b.

Which of the following sentences best describes the role of the United Nations in world affairs?
i think if you know you're not cheating you don't have to right out a long paragraph talking about useless stuff. doesn't matter if you're cheating or not, no one ''helps'' on this website they just give out the answers lmaoo
welp ima fail cuz i see no awnsers i trust TvT

We’re all gonna fail
Gotchu Fam is 100% correct as of December 3, 2021
For part B the answer is D, people who live together under a sovereign government

The answer for Part B is C, not D you fool
Oh the amount of fighting that's happening T^T I'm scared I don't like the amount of toxicity in this place 😐
@Answers is still correct to this day.
imagine being emo couldn't be me
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