1. What is the alignment of the Earth, moon, and sun during a lunar eclipse?

A)Earth, sun, moon
B)Earth, moon, sun
C)Sun, Earth, moon**
D)Sun, moon, Earth

I know that for a lunar eclipse the earth is in the middle, so i just wanted to double check

2.A scientific law

A)can have only one known exception
B)can have any number of exceptions as long as we know about them***
C)might have many exceptions we don’t know about
D)has no exceptions

I already know answer D is incorrect

3.Sunspots are

A)solar storms that can interfere with communication satellites**
B)solar material being spewed out into space
C)places on the sun that are much hotter than normal
D)solar storms that have no effect on Earth

Really have no clue what this one is i couldn't even make an educated guess, through process of elimination i know its not D or C

4.When does a spring tide take place?

A)At the beginning of spring
B)Only during the spring season
C)Only after spring is over
D)At any time**