1. What is government? (1 point)

a) the services provided for a community, such as police protection, fire protection, and public health programs
b) the laws that protect people's rights and ensure the safety of a state's citizens
c) the institution through which a society makes and enforces its public policies
d) the process by which public officials are elected to and removed from office

2. Which of the following is the best definition of the public policies of a government? (1 point)
a) everything a government decides to do
b) everything a government does related to public services
c) everything a government does to collect taxes
d) everything a government decides to do regarding foreign affairs

3. Which of the following lists the three basic powers a government must have? (1 point)
a) executive power, legislative power, military power
b) legislative power, executive power, judicial power
c) economic power, judicial power, legislative power
d) judicial power, diplomatic power, executive power

4. In what way is the United States a representative democracy? (1 point)
a) Citizens allow a self-appointed elite to make decisions for them.
b) Citizens decide laws and policies directly in mass meetings.
c) Citizens choose small groups of people to make laws and policies for them.
d) Citizens elect a president who has absolute power to make decisions for them.

5. Which statement best expresses the concerns of the founders of the American government? (1 point)
a) Their focus was to create a government that protected the nation from foreign enemies.
b) Their focus was to create a government that protected the nation from domestic threats.
c) Their focus was to create a nation that protected national interests over individual rights.
d) Their focus was to create a government that protected all aspects of the nation and its people.

6. Which philosophers of the European Enlightenment influenced the founding documents of American government? (1 point)
a) Michel de Montaigne and Denis Diderot
b) Charles de Montesquieu and Mary Wollstonecraft
c) Thomas Hobbes and John Locke
d) Isaac Newton and Voltaire

7. Which one of these explanations about the origins of states best applies to the type of political system created by the U.S. Constitution? (1 point)
a) force theory
b) evolutionary theory
c) divine right of kings theory
d) social contract theory

8. How does the chief executive of a parliamentary system differ from that of a presidential system?
a) Unlike a president, a prime minister is a member of both the legislative and executive branches.
b) Unlike a president, the prime minister is elected by the citizenry.
c) Unlike a president, the prime minister is the only member of the executive branch.
d) Unlike a president, the prime minister is under the direct control of the legislature.

9. Which of the following best explains what the philosophers of the Enlightenment and the Founding Fathers meant by the phrase "unalienable rights"? (1 point)
a) legal rights
b) political equality
c) popular sovereignty
d) natural rights

10. Which of the following ideas is embodied in this excerpt? (1 point)
a) The king needed the consent of Parliament to appoint advisors and ministers.
b) The king had the right to prosecute illegal petitions protesting royal laws.
c) The king had the power to suspend laws without Parliament's consent.
d) The king needed the consent of Parliament in order to tax people.

5 answers

Bro is no one gonna respond
what is the answer
Rod wave is correct
rod wave is actually correct bro