1.What is cultural diffusion?
A. the attempt to eliminate cultural differences between groups
B. the loss of cultural traditions over time
C. the spreading of cultural traditions and customs from one group to another
D. the process of educating younger generations about native cultures and traditions
2. Which type of movement has occurred significantly in Washington over the last 50 years?
A. Native tribes have continued their nomadic lifestyles within the modern landscape.
B. Native tribes have moved onto reservations away from growing cities.
C. Washingtonians have moved into suburban areas.
D. Washingtonians have moved into major urban centers causing rapid growth to already large cities.
3. How has technology affected Washington?
A. It has brought in engineers from other countries, introducing new cultures to Washington.
B. It has hurt the state’s economy because technology is shrinking, or not growing.
C. It has decreased Washington’s ability to conduct trade with Canada.
D. It has prevented the sharing of ideas.
4. How did the practice of exogamy contribute to cultural diffusion?
A. As cultures grew, people’s technology needs increased.
B. Brides joining new tribes brought their customs and traditions with them.
C. The movement of ideas increased as more people moved to cities.
D. The forced relocation of native people led to the decline of traditional cultures.
5. What defines a geographical region?
A. migration of people from urban to rural areas
B. shared characteristics of culture, climate, language, or trade
C. shared ideas to advance technological innovation
D. transfer of cultural traditions from one generation to the next
6.Which geographical theme asks how people depend upon and affect their environment?
A. human-environmental interaction
B. movement
C. place
D. region
7.Which of the following describes a cause-and-effect relationship related to Washington’s geography?
A. Erosion of mountain ranges resulted in huge valleys and mountain passes that connect the two halves of the state.
B. The breakup of Pangaea increased the amount of rainfall in the eastern region of Washington.
C. The melting of glacial ice dams led to floods that created massive erosion on the Columbia Plateau.
D. Volcanic activity resulted in the creation of fjords, such as Puget Sound.
8. Which of the following characterize Seattle, Washington as a place? Select all that apply.
A. latitude 47 N°, longitude 122° W
B. 112 miles south of Canadian border
C. north of Tacoma
D. Pike Place Market
E. Puget Sound
F. the Pacific Rim trade route
G. the Space Needle
9. Which of the following has had a significant effect on Washington’s geography over the last several million years? Select all that apply.
A. breakup of Pangea
B. dust storms
C. hurricanes
D. ice ages
E. tornadoes
F. volcanoes
10.Briefly describe the significance of the Growth Management Act. How has this law affected Washington?
14 answers
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Can someone check my answers plz.
In 1990 it became evident that unsupervised growth of urban areas can pose a threat to the environment and ultimately the quality of life in Washington For example if new apartments are built on certain farmlands and natural resource lands without considering how it will impact the environment and the economic development in the long term
The adoption of the Growth Management Act regulated and enforced control over the urban growth and in a result helped to preserve the vital areas of the state In particular local governments received significant decision making capacity regarding implementation of the comprehensive plans and the urban development regulations