1. What is/are the main factor(s) that determine(s) that your plants will grow into bean plants (or other fast-growing plants that you used for your experiment) and not some other type of plant (genetics, environment, or both)? Explain your answer

A. Genetics is the main factor that determines that a plant will grow into that specific plant. Pollination is how a new plant if fertilized and a seed is produced. Flowers are pollinated by insects like bees carrying pollen from one flower to the pistil of another. The flower’s stigma collects the pollen. The pollen then grows a tube, this is called a pollen tube. The ovule in the ovary gets fertilized and the genes gets transported to the ovary from the pollen tube. Each type of sex gene contains have a set of chromosomes. When the ovule is fertilized these half sets of chromosomes become a seed and a fruit grows around it. This is what makes a plant that specific type of plant. The genes are like instructions on what happens to the plant during its life. It also has what type of plant it’s going to become. When the fruits fall off the tree, it can either be eaten or rot so the seeds can be replanted. If the seeds are able to be replanted a new plant is formed and the cycle starts over.

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4 answers

No, that answer just a little off subject. The question was, what is the main factor that determines if the seed grows into a bean plant. What is the main factor when you were a baby that you grew into a human.
The answer is your cells carry the genetic code for human, and you got them from mom and dad, so you grow into what they were.
A bean seed grows into a bean plant in accordance with what its parents were.
A bean seed wont grow into a tomato, or a duck, because of genetics.
Thank you!!
thank you
you da best Mr. pursley!