1.What is an example of a distraction?

commuting to school
C - social media*******************************
working on a task

2. What term refers to the act or process of planning?
A - organization*******************************

3. What term is used for an awareness of one's own personality?
D - self-awareness******************************

4. What is the first step in dealing with distractions?
concentrate on them
prioritize them
C - identify them***************
talk to someone about them

5. What term refers to the action or process of making decisions, especially important ones?
B - decision making***********************

6. What is a good reason for prioritizing your tasks?
takes more time
keeps you busy
C - helps you reach your goals*****************
requires more energy

7. What is the result of good time management
being stressed
feeling overwhelmed
C - Being more productive *******************
having less energy

8. What is the result of procrastination?
A - Having less time to work on tasks (**************************
being able to plan your tasks more effectively
having more energy to work on tasks
getting tasks done promptly

9. Why is taking care of yourself a time management technique?
It is important .
It reduces your Task load.
It should be a priority.
D - It helps you to be less stressed.

10. What term is used to refer to a force or influence that causes someone to do something?
A - motivation ******************************

1 answer

I'm gonna stop posting individual questions now even if it is technically more effective and easier to come up as a search result its just kinda less efficient so yeah ._.