1) What evidence is there that the human species has been successful so far? Explain.

2) What environmental pressures in the past do you think were most important in shaping the human species as it exists today?
3) What environmental pressures exist now that you think may be shaping the human species?
4) What environmental pressures do you think may affect humans as Earth becomes more populated with humans in the future? Explain how these pressures may affect human traits.

2 answers

No one here will write your assignments for you, but if you post what YOU THINK, someone might be able to critique your thinking and writing.
1: Humanity is far from extinction, we have spread to every corner of the earth. 2: The environments, climate, and predators helped shape humans , they learned how to make weapons and create shelter to survive harsh conditions in the wild. 3: Some of the environmental pressures we face now are man made, for example: Pollution, a lack of land, and overpopulation. Some however are natural, like our limited supply of minerals. 4: I think most of the environmental pressure will come from pollution, and a lack of space. With so many people around, there''s going to be a lot of vehicle use, and things such as littering. We're going to have to change and start cleaning up after ourselves and limit the use of gas.