1. What events led to German unification?

A: The three wars planned by the Prussian prime minister, Otto von Bismarck, led to German unity.

2. How was Great Britian able to avoid a revolution in 1848?

A: Great Britian was able to avoid a revolution by giving Parliament a vote for a bill that increased the number of male voters, chiefly from the industrial middle class.

3. How did the election of Andrew Jackson influence American politics?

A: Andrew Jackson's election influenced American politics immensely. As a result of his election, property qualifications for voting had been reduced, and the right to vote was eventually extended to almost all adult white males.

4. How did the popularity of Ivanhoe reflect the interests of the nineteenth century?

A: Sir Walter Scott's Ivanhoe, a best-seller in the early 1800s, told of clashes between knights in medieval England. By focusing on their nation's past, many romantic writers were also reflecting the nationalism that was so strong in the nineteenth century.

5. How did the theory of natural selection influence the way people saw the world?

A: The theory of natural selection greatly influenced the way people saw the world. This theory raised a storm of controversy. Some people objected that his theory made human beings ordinary products of nature, not unique creations of God. Other people were bothered because they felt he was saying that life was a mere struggle for survival. This caused them to question whether there was a place in the Darwinian world for moral values, making them see the world differently.

6. What factors helped to produce the movement known as realism?

A: The rise of science and the belief that the world should be viewed realistically helped to produce the movement known as realism.

3 answers

1 should have a lot more detail.


The rest of your answers are fine.
i believe that i don't understand any of this and some one should help me on my homework,