1. What do you think the judge did? He made the greedy baker listen to the sound of three gold coins dropping on the table. By doing that, he paid for the aroma of delicious cakes that the poor traveler smelled. Do you agree with the judge's decision or not? If you don't agree with the judge's decision, why is that?
2. The judge took out three gold coins and<~~comma after "coins" and delete "and" showed them to the greedy baker, and said,<~~put a space here"Hear the sound of these three gold coins.<~~delete period; add question mark Now the poor traveler doesn't need to pay the money for the smell of the cakes. You heared<~~sp?? the sound of the gold coins, so I paid for the smell. Underatand<~~sp???"
3. The wise hudge<~~sp?? was just. He let the greedy baker hear the sound of three gold coins. By doing that, he was able to pay for the aroma of the delicious cakes which the poor traveler smelled.
Do you agree or disagree with the judge? If you have other opinions, please tell us.
1. What do you think the judge did? He made the greedy baker hear the sound of three gold coins. By doing that, he paid for the smell of delicious cakes that the poor traveler used. Do you agree with the judge's decision or not? If you don't agree with the judge's decision, why is that?
2. The judge took out three gold coins and showed them to the greedy baker, and said,"Hear the sound of these three gold coins. Now the poor traveler doesn't need to pay the money for the smell of the cakes. You heared the sound of the gold coins, so I paid for the smell. Underatand?"
3. The wise hudge was just. He let the greedy baker hear the sound of three gold coins. By doing that, he was able to pay for the smell of the delicious cakes which the poor traveler smelled.
Do you agree with the judge or disagree with the judge? If you have other opinions, say them to us.
(Would you check the passages, and correct errors, please? Thank you.)
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