1.what are two of the many ways in which soil is formed?

2.name two parent materials of soil.
3.why are some type of soil referred to as"inorganic"?__________
4.what happens when air and water enters a crack in a rock?_________
5.if in a natural system ,decayed remains of plants and animals are components, and decomposition a process;what is the input and output?{!}______{!!}______
6.the type of weathering that takes place in an area is determined by the________
7.write down any two content of a soil.{!}_______{!!}_______
8.soil generally consists of visually and texturally distinct layers.There are 3 main layers namely:
A horizon,B horizon and C horizon.
-which layer do you think is rich in humus?
9.A hard layer in the B horizon caused by deposition of minerials called______this can cause poor drainage.
10.what is a laterite?________
11.In 'A' horizon of soil in the tropical region, there are more iron and aluminium then any other minerial.what do you think happen to those other minerals?______________
12.____________soils consist of mixture of clay,sand,and silt which has been deposited by water.