1. What are the causes of problems the Mayas and other Native American groups face in Guatemala? How are people trying to solve these problems?

2. Compare and contrast the economies of Chile and Venezuela.

3. Name two geographic obstacles and one political obstacle that stood in the way of the construction of the Panama Canal. How did engineers and politicians overcome these obstacles?

28 answers

Is this the Latin America Unit Test for Connections?
for number 2 use your book and find the answer.
Yes, and ok. Thanks! I figured out everything else.
Remember what Ms. Sue has written -- Connections teachers check Jiskha. DON'T CHEAT!
As a 7th grade Social Studies teacher I am monitoring these sites. I know each of you students and I will be marking down your grades and making a phone call home.
Ummmmm @ Anonymous how are you going to make a phone call home when you don't even have are phone numbers? Huh? Thought so, and you don't know any of us. So uh, your wrong.
@Stephen she can see your IP address on this site.
He can't see it if you are using a VPN! ;)
okay so lets say anonymous is actually a seventh grade social studies teacher-i have gotten full quiz and test answers from them on multiple occasions, so youre at fault too
Does it even matter at this point? Schools almost over, and you may even have a choice to disappear from the teacher(s) by going to another school. In my opinion, this "Anonymous teacher poses no threat.
You guys should actually do your school though... because if you are getting answers off of this website you aren't learning, and you are just cheating! It doesn't matter in "Anonymous" is a teacher or not
Orrrrr we're not all cheating we just don't get the questions because a textbook doesn't work with all kids.
Okay everybody, I realize that you're all just trying to pass but this isn't right. I realize that school can be stressful and hard at times, but you can do it! If you work hard and do what your teachers tell you to, you'll do just fine!
Shut up El ifmyou not cheating then why you here
ok listen these weird teachers coming on saying that they monitor these sights are complete B.S and anoynomus if you were a teacher then why dont you right a name for your self instead of hiding behind the internet and fine if you are a teacher you cant mark down our grades for helping each other so get out and stop opposing fake threats!
Holy cr.ap people why are we having an argument about this on a Homework Help site! Jesus Crist you people need to stop and instead of arguing actually HELP people
holy crap thats my teacher
give us the da#! answers stop acting like 5 years old dang.
Y'all are idiots
well.... ok wtaf and anonymous we don't use are names and miss sue and actual teacher allows us to use this site dumb a.s
I know everything I just use this site so that I don't f up because I'm to hungry to focus, or a question is just stupid
X3 i love how everyone on here is just arguing instead of actually giving answers oml im dying. lord help me. ok. does no one have any answers?
No one? ok here is my answer but make sure to change it up

11. During the 16th century when the Mayan's were conquered by Spaniards an event that prompted the great society's even faster decline, the Mayan people were forced off their land and forced to work with indigo and cocoa plantations. Later than three centuries marches and social movements began to grow in Guatemala stating they wanted the Mayan Highlanders to be freed from slavery and be given the same rights other lands had and the rights they originally deserved and owned.

12. Venezuela mostly depends on its large amount of oil. When money troubles start to spring up at them they sell the oil for a lot of money, Then they farm more. Meanwhile Chile farms way more copper than any other countries in the world. So they depend on their copper while Venezuela depends on oil. so both of these countries depend on one material they have more than any other country.

13. The two geographical obstacles that stood in the way of the construction of the Panama Canal was that the Panama had a lot of mountains and added mud slides. A political obstacle that stood in the way of the construction was that Panama was apart of Columbia. And being that the United States had to make some deals with Columbia before Panama became its own country (state?? i dont know). Engineers had to make a dam, make some design changes, remove large amounts of earth and rock just to work over the geographical obstacles

once again. these are my answers. you have to change them up to look like they're yours or else the teacher will know. hope these helps.
tank u :3
FINALLY, THE ANSWERS! no more of that dumb chatting up there
oh and, Thank you ^-^
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