1. Whale fins and bat wings are anatomically similar. Which of the following does this suggest about the animals? (1 point)

Whales and bats have a common ancestry
Whales and bats were once adapted to the same environment Whales and bats move in the same way
Whales and bats have existed for the same amount of time
2. In many cases throughout geologic history, if mutations in the genetic materials of existing species had not occurred, new species would not have appeared.
Which of the following conclusions about mutations in the DNA sequence of a gene is most consistent with the statement in the box above?
(1 point)
Mutations are an important mechanism for the evolution of new
Mutations are always beneficial.
Mutations are always rapidly occurring. Mutations are the only way new species arise
3.Which of the following conclusions about mutations in the DNA sequence of a gene is most consistent with the statement in the box above?
(1 point)
Mutations are an important mechanism for the evolution of new
Mutations are always beneficial.
Mutations are always rapidly occurring. Mutations are the only way new species arise
4.A field biologist was researching the possibility of interbreeding among various amphibians living in a particular habitat of Costa Rica. The mating timetable for these amphibians is shown. Which generalization could the field biologist correctly make?
All of the amphibians interbreed randomly throughout the
mating season.
The frogs can interbreed with any of the other frogs, but not with toads.
The peeper frog and bullfrog do not interbreed The wood frog and the tree frog interbreed.
5.Two populations of foxes are prevented from mating only because
they live on opposite sides of the Mississippi River. This situation is an example of
 adaptive radiation  reproductive isolation  natural selection  geographic isolation
6.The graph shown represents the population growth curves of two different species of aquatic organisms, A and B. What is the valid prediction based on this graph?
Species B will attain maximum population size each autumn
due to a decrease in water temperature.
Species A will not be present in the water during the winter months.
Species B will increase in population size approximately 1 month after an increase in the population size of Species A.
Species A will eliminate Species B from the water after 1 year.
7.Favorable adaptations are genetic characteristics that
 reduce the organism’s chances of survival  cannot be passed on to the next generation  improve the organism’s chances of survival  are acquired by increased use of an organ
8.In a section of the Grand Canyon, scientists have found the fossil remains of several different groups of organisms. The diagram below represents the number and age of the fossils the scientists found. The width of each shaded area in the diagram below indicates the relative number of fossils found.
Which of the following statements is supported by the fossil record?
(1 point)
Group A has been in existence the longest.
Group D is the most recent organism to come into existence. Group B was the most numerous organism 10 million years ago. Group B is now extinct.
9.Which of the following is in agreement with Darwin’s theory of evolution? (1 point)
Mutations are never beneficial.
Survival is dependent on a species producing more offspring than can suvive based on the resources.
Acquired characteristics are always inherited.
The organisms that are the most fit are always those with the greatest strengths.
10.The Bactrododema hecticum (African Stick Bug) is an hebivorous insect that looks like a stick. Based on modern evolutionary theory, the most likely explanation for the insect’s appearance is that (1 point)
a single gene mutation caused the resemblance
genes were transferred from the trees to the insects
the insects changed because they ate the wood of the trees natural selections of many variations occurred to ensure survival

3 answers

The insects evolved to resemble sticks through natural selection of genetic variations that provided them with an advantage in camouflaging from predators.
All the answers please
1. Whales and bats have a common ancestry
2. Mutations are an important mechanism for the evolution of new species.
3. Mutations are an important mechanism for the evolution of new species.
4. The peeper frog and bullfrog do not interbreed
5. Geographic isolation
6. Species B will attain maximum population size each autumn due to a decrease in water temperature.
7. Improve the organism’s chances of survival
8. Group A has been in existence the longest.
9. Survival is dependent on a species producing more offspring than can survive based on the resources.
10. The insects evolved to resemble sticks through natural selection of genetic variations that provided them with an advantage in camouflaging from predators.