1. Using a diagram or analogy, explain how energy is generated and used between plants and animals. Explain how the cycle functions indefinitely. ( use esy words ).

1 answer

Imagine a big circle with two arrows pointing in opposite directions. One side of the circle represents plants, and the other side represents animals.

Plants use energy from the sun to make their own food through a process called photosynthesis. They store this energy in their leaves, stems, and roots. When animals like insects, birds, or mammals eat these plants, they take in the stored energy, which helps them grow, move, and stay alive.

When animals eat plants, they break down the plant's stored energy for their own use. This energy helps animals do things like run, jump, and think. Eventually, animals use up this energy and release it back into the environment through things like breathing, moving, or even pooping.

This released energy is then taken up by plants through the soil or air, and the cycle starts all over again. As long as the sun continues shining and plants and animals keep interacting, this energy cycle will continue indefinitely. It's like a never-ending game of pass-the-energy, where everyone benefits and the cycle keeps on going.