1.Use the graph below to explain why reactant size and the rate of reaction is considered an inverse relationship.
(i cannot attach pictures so i will describe the graph)
the graph shows a line that goes in a downward slope, the y xis title says: "rate of carbon dioxide production", and the x axis says "size of marble chips"
My answer:
because if you increase the size of the particle, the reactant rate decreases because it takes more time to dissolve something big than it takes to dissolve something small.
5 answers
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Here is my personal opinion. I can't find anything especially wrong with what you've said; however, I don't think it is a good explanation. In my opinion you have simply rephrased the question and called that your answer. If I were grading your paper I wouldn't give you any credit for your answer; however, I'm not grading your paper. Your paper grader may agree with you completely.
how did i rephrase the question? what do you mean?
what is an inverse relationship?
what is an inverse relationship?
one variable goes up and the other variable goes down.
Pressure-volume is inverse. When you INCREASE
Pressure-volume is inverse. When you INCREASE
oops. When you INCREASE the pressure the volume DECREASES.
The other relationship is direct. In direct one variable goes up the other goes up. Or one goes down the other goes down.
Of course some don't have a relationship; i.e., one variable goes up or down and there is no change in the other.
The other relationship is direct. In direct one variable goes up the other goes up. Or one goes down the other goes down.
Of course some don't have a relationship; i.e., one variable goes up or down and there is no change in the other.