There’s no such word as ‘unluck’ — sorry!
Bad luck
Out of luck
1. unluck
Is this word correct?
I cannot find the word 'unluck' except Wiktionary. I know the opposite of luck is either bad luck or ill luck or misfortune. What about the following?
unluck (uncountable)
1. Absence or lack of luck; lucklessness; bad luck; misfortune. [quotations ▼]
4 answers
Here's the best place to find synonyms and antonyms. What you were looking for is an antonym for "luck."
At first they list the synonyms for the word. You'll need to scroll down for antonyms.
At first they list the synonyms for the word. You'll need to scroll down for antonyms.
Just because I was "wrong," doesn't mean you have to delete my post trying to help rfvv. Jerk!
Unluck [Urban Dictionary Definition]
Unluck generally means unlucky, though isn't said in the same way. It's normally just an outburst.
Why is 'unluck' used this way? Do some people use unluck as unlucky?
Unluck generally means unlucky, though isn't said in the same way. It's normally just an outburst.
Why is 'unluck' used this way? Do some people use unluck as unlucky?