1. This word indicates that a cloud is a rain producer:
a. Lenticular
b. Alto
c. Nimbus
d. Cumulus
e. Cirro
answer: c
2. Most precipitation that falls in the middle latitudes is formed by:
a. The Bergeron process
b. Collision-coalescence
c. Spontaneous freezing of water droplets
d. Condensation of water vapor
answer: a
3. Which of the following best describes supercooled water?
a. Part liquid and part solid
b. A unique form of ice that only forms in clouds
c. Liquid water at temperatures below 0° C
d. Water with a slightly different chemical nature than ordinary water
e. Produced from dry ice
answer: c
4. What type of precipitation causes ice to form on surfaces as supercooled water makes contact with them?
a. Sleet
b. Graupel
c. Glaze
d. Snow
e. Hail
answer: c
5. Cloud seeding using silver iodide only works when:
a. Cold clouds are composed entirely of ice crystals
b. Warm clouds are composed entirely of water droplets
c. A portion of the cloud contains supercooled water
d. Cumuliform clouds are present
answer: c
1 answer