1. The table below presents data for a sample of people who completed a religious survey.

Age Gender Denomination Church Attendance
56 1 7 4
46 2 6 5
49 2 6 5
49 1 1 5
27 2 9 5
51 1 4 2
47 2 2 3
67 1 5 4
49 2 2 6
33 1 12 6
55 2 9 5
40 1 7 5
62 1 8 6
47 2 6 3
56 2 9 5
22 1 10 2
50 2 4 5
51 1 10 6
50 1 7 6
43 1 10 3

In this table, the numbers in the gender, denomination, and church attendance columns represent the following.

1. Male
2. Female

1. Episcopal
2. Lutheran
3. Methodist
4. Presbyterian
5. Other mainline Protestant
6. Baptist
7. Other Evangelical Protestant
8. Pentecostal
9. Charismatic
10. Non-denominational
11. Catholic
12. Other

Church Attendance
1. less than once a month
2. once a month
3. a few times a month
4. once a week
5. twice a week
6. three or more times a week

a. What is the mean age of this sample? What is the standard deviation?

b. Create a frequency distribution table for denomination.

c. What is the percentage of people who identify themselves as Baptist in this sample?

d. What is the mode of church attendance?