1. The south african government is not providing enough welfare of subsidies to the poor and underpriviledged - info.

2. what are welfare payments?

3. what are the costs & consequences of providing the subsidies & welfare?

4. Are there any welfare or subsidy payments that need to be reviewed.

5. Any current susidy or welfare issues being discussed

18 answers

See Related Questions below.
What are the costs and consequences of providing the subsidies and welfare?
government have to provide more jobs because people don't get setisfied
employment subsidies
what are the costs and consequences of providing the subsidies and welfare?
south african government is not providing enough welfare or subsidies to the poor and underpriviledge
cost and consequences
WhAt are the costs and consequence of providing the subsidies and welfare?
Are there any welfare or subsidy payments that should be reviewed or added?
wha are the concsequences of providing the subsidies and walfare?
Others are poor and the government provide with food
What are the costs and consequences of providing the subsidies and welfare
Are there any welfare or subsidy payments that should be reviewed or added
People please don't post false answers.
What are welfare payment or consumers subsidies
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