1. The source of the Supreme Court’s authority is (D)

moral suasion.
judicial activism.
concurring opinion.

2. When the Supreme Court hands down a decision, it is (A)
often a mixed decision with majority, dissenting, and even concurring opinions.
always a unanimous 9-0 decision.
a law forever and can never be overturned.
always free of politics.

3. Alexander Hamilton said that the judiciary would be the least dangerous branch of government because (C)
it has the power of the purse.
it has the power of the sword.
it has neither the power of the purse nor the sword.
the Constitution failed to define its role.

4. In Griswold v. Connecticut, the Supreme Court was considered an activist court because (B)
it asserted that laws banning contraception were legitimate state rights.
it overturned the will of a democratically elected legislature acting in the interests of the people and thus, making law.
it maintained that the rights of married people were sacred.
it asserted nonexistent rights.

5. A right is generally defined as (C)
an obligation that we have to others.
that which everybody around the world enjoys.
a zone of protection around an interest that we would like protected.
an obligation that others have to us.

6. Civil rights in the United States evolved from (B)
boycotts to anti-discrimination lawsuits.
removal of barriers to access and participation to policies aimed at achieving greater equality.
matters concerning politics to matters concerning economics.
state centered policy to federal initiatives.

7. The various cases with regards to religious freedom are concerned with excessive entanglements between government and religion. This means (B)
that non-denominational prayer in schools can be permitted.
voucher systems like the one in Zelman v. Simmons-Harris created a constitutionally allowed choice between public and private schools.
local school boards can provide subsidies to church-related schools.
both religion and government are strengthened when united.

8. Affirmative action is about (C)
making financial amends for slavery.
achieving a color blind society in America.
moving the Civil Rights Movement into its next phase by promoting equal opportunity.
enrolling more minorities than whites in universities.

9. The trajectory of cases from Roe v. Wade to Parenthood v. Casey appear to suggest that a woman’s right to choose (C)
cannot be hindered in any way by states.
is completely subject to a state’s legislation.
can be restricted so long as those restrictions do not create an undue burden.
may be imposed upon by undue burdens from the state.

10. The case of Schenck v. United States established that (C)
free speech is an absolute and unlimited civil liberty.
speech may be abridged when an individual finds it offensive.
speech may be abridged when it creates a clear and present danger.
nothing can be considered dangerous speech during time of war.

1 answer

5. is funny though, rights are universal, but not respected or upheld or "enjoyed" in many places, so I agree with your choice of answer there too.