1)The ship reminds of two well-known medieval themes: the Ship of the Fool and the Ship of Death (Is remind correct or is it better to use is derived from??)
2)During the ballad (better in the/within the ballad??) are also present (and not presented) such supernatural creatures as monsters, angels etc.
2) The poet thought the flowers were dancing in the breeze since they were moved by the wind
3) Also nature (like the poet) was in a state of joy (Is it better to use too/as well at the end of the sentence)
4) he divides imagination into primary and secondary imagination (is it the same as he distinguishes between ...)
5) Primary i is the ability to perceive the world around us with our senses (is it better to Use Through our senses)
6) Imagination modifies (better turns) the world into a perfect one
7) Which one is possible:
In Blake's opinion/According to Blake/For Blake ....???? Are there any other ways of referring to the poet's opinion?????
Thanks for the help
1 answer
("derived from" doesn't fit here)
2. I'd use "Within the..." and yes, "present" is the correct word, not "presented."
3. I'd write, "In addition, nature, like the poet, was in a state of joy." (nothing added at the end)
4. I'd replace one of the instances of "imagination" -- perhaps like this: "He distinguishes between primary and secondary types of imagination."
5. Either "with" or "through" would work in this sentence.
6. I'd stick with "modifies."
7. Any of the three will work, and using different phrasing throughout your paper will keep you from repeating exact words too many times.