1) The reaction A + B + C = products has a rate law rate = k times A times C squared. Which of the following will result in an increase in the rate constant for the reaction?

#1 - increasing the temperature
#2 - adding a catalyst
#3 - doubling the concentration of reactant C

I think that all three of these answers are correct. Would you agree?

9 answers

The why would the concentration of any reactant change the rate constant?
I just thought that if the concentration was doubled there would be more molecular collisions which would increase the rate law. So only the first two are correct then?
there is a difference between the rate constant, and the rate. Changing concentration affects rate.
Oh ok I understand, thank you.
So wouldn't a catalyst just speed up the rate too and not the rate constant?
Yes, that's what a catalyst does. It does not change k.
so then answers 2 and 3 are not correct?
That's right. 2 and 3 are not right.
Ok, thank you for your help!!