1. The program is biased because it covers only rich people.

2. The gradening program is useful because we can learn how to take care of trees in a garden.

3. The cooking program is informative because we can know many cookeries.

4. The animation program is very fun because we can smile all the time.

5. The soap opera is somewhat biased because it stresses negative sides too much.

6. The sitcom is very interesting because we can laugh when we watch it.

7. The documentary is useless because it is not based on correct information.

8. The talkshow is bad because it covers only stars.

9. The news program is informative because we can know the weather.

10. The educational program is very useful because we can learn numerous subjects for free.

11. The quiz show program is useless because it contains filthy languages.

12. The detective program is dangerous because criminals will get to know how to escape from the police.

(Are the expressions all grammatical? Would you check them, please?)

2 answers

1. Fine

2. Correct the spelling of "gardening" -- otherwise, it's fine.

3. Change "cookeries" to "recipes" and it'll be fine.

4. The animation program is very fun because we can smile all the time.
~~>Does your ability to smile cause the animation program to be fun? I don't think so!! Also, "very fun" is not correct. Here's a re-written version for you: We smile all the time because the animation program is fun.

5. Fine

6. Rephrased: The sitcom is very interesting and makes us laugh when we watch it.

7. Fine

8. Fine; "talk show" is two words, though.

9. Fine

10. Fine

11. Fine except that it should be "language" not "languages."

12. Fine