1. The patient had a cystectomy. What does the root of this word mean?
A. Kidney
B. Bladder
C. Sac
D. Meatus
Answer: C
2. When the uterus extends outside the , a condition known as ______ exists.
A. dysplasia
B. hyperplasia
C. Bartholin's gland abscess
D. prolapse
Answer: A
3. The patient had a diagnosis of Addison's disease, which is caused by decreased functioning of the adrenal cortex. Which of the following medications may have been prescribed?
A. Glucotrol
B. Humulin
C. Solu-Cortef
D. Pitressin
Answer: A
4. The tissue under the microscope appeared to be adenocarcinoma. What type of examination did the pathologist perform?
A. Microscopic
B. Gross
C. Palpation
D. Auscultation
Answer: A
5. The patient complains of a tender uterus. Inflammation and infection are present in the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. What diagnosis does this statement indicate?
A. Uterine prolapse
B. Ovarian cyst
C. Pelvic inflammatory disease
D. Eclampsia
Answer: C
6. The surgical procedure on the operative report was iridectomy. (ir/o-) means
A. tear
B. eyelid
C. glassy
D. iris
Answer: D
7. A wealthy 14-year-old girl is in outpatient counseling for stealing. This behavior is an example of a/an
A. anxiety disorder
B. impulse-control disorder
C. somatoform disorder
D. personality disorder
Answer: B
8. What is the main difference between treating cancer with radiation therapy and treating cancer with chemotherapy?
A. Radiation treats cells within the radiation field; chemotherapy treats cells throughout the body.
B. Radiation is performed only externally; chemotherapy is performed only internally.
C. Radiation is used before surgery; chemotherapy is used after surgery.
D. Radiation is used on carcinomas; chemotherapy is used on sarcomas
Answer: A
9. The main criterion for drugs classified as controlled substances is their level of
A. adverse reaction with other drugs
B. effectiveness in treating a particular disease
C. side effects
D. addiction potential
Answer: D
10. Why is it important for a pharmacist to provide drug counseling to patients?
A. To attempt to avoid any adverse reactions with another drug
B. To avoid lawsuits from patients experiencing reactions to a drug
C. To increase the effectiveness of the drug
D. To explain antidotes for drugs with toxic effects
Answer: A
Please let me know if I am correct with the answers I provided.