#1 is FAR preferable to #2, which is not phrased correctly.
The rest are fine.
1. The man has two dogs. One is a small black and white dog, and the other is a big brown dog.
2. The man has two dogs. One is small black and white, and the other is big brown.
(Are the expressions grammatical?)
3. If school finishes early, I will go to an academy.
4. If school finishes early, I will go to a video arcade to play video games.
5. If school finishes early, I will go to see a concert with my close friends.
6. If school finishes early, I will watch a soap opera at home.
7. If school finishes early, I will have to go back home to help mother clean the house.
8. If school finishes early, I will have a meeting with my friends to do something interesting.
(Would you check the sentences? Are they all grammatical? Thank you for your help....and have a great weekend.)
2 answers
Here's a rephrasing of #2, in case you want to use it:
The man has two dogs. One is small with black and white coloring, and the other is big and brown.
The man has two dogs. One is small with black and white coloring, and the other is big and brown.